Temperatures are Dropping

Winter weather has the potential to hit the UK hard, with strong winds, freezing temperatures, snow, ice and lots of rain. These can cause hazards for construction workers on site. As the weather is unpredictable and uncontrollable (but the work must go on!), it's important to take extra precautions to ensure all operatives are safe.

Falls are one of the most common accidents on site and can happen all year around. However, the risk of falling in winter weather increased due to icy or wet slippery surfaces. If these areas are not treated correctly, they can cause workers to slip and fall, sometimes from height, causing injuries such as brokne bones, fractures, traumatic brain injuries and even death.

Driving accidents don't just happen on the roads, they can also happen on a construction site. Being on a construction site it's easy to forget that winter driving rules still apply. It is also important to remember that construction vehicles aren't usually as agile as cars because of their size and weight.

Temperatures that fall to near or below freezing can be dangerous to a person's health. especially whilst working outdoors. If rain causes the skin to become damp this can lead to heat loss from the body, and the body may not be able to warm itself up.

A few tips from us to keep yourself safe this winter:

-Covering any areas which could be hit worse by the weather than others

-Creating sheltered or enclosed areas where workers can warm up.

-Limiting the duration of work in cold wet conditions, so that operatives do not have to face cold weather conditions for long periods of time.

-Providing the correct PPE to avoid exposed skin and good insulation helping to maintain body heat.

-Regular Toolbox Talks about the risks associated with the weather and how to prevent accidents.

-Checking areas for new hazards which could have been caused by changing weather conditions.